Personal Branding For Real Estate Agents: Five Reasons It Matters More Than You Think

When people in your community are looking to buy or sell a house, you want to be the name that pops into their heads. You want to be the first person they think about when embarking on this significant milestone in their life. But how do you do that? How do you set yourself apart from all of the other real estate professionals in your area?

Personal Branding.

Personal branding is a marketing strategy that combines your personality with the characteristics you possess that set you apart from the competition. Your personal brand should be a consistent and authentic marketing strategy that showcases your strengths and appeals to buyers and sellers in your area.

These days, you can’t simply hand out business cards and wait for the phone to ring. You have to be active in your community, be present on social media, and intentional about your marketing efforts. If you want to be the one people think about when they are buying and selling their homes, you have to work on your brand.

Still not sure why it’s so important for you to create a brand? Consider this:

It shows that you’re human.

Real estate is a very people-centered business. People hire real estate agents that they feel they know, trust and can connect to. They look for real estate agents who share their values, who have a reputation in the industry, and that makes them feel valued and heard. A personal brand can make you more relatable and showcase your human side. Instead of just a face on a billboard or a name on a business card, your branding strategy could include live videos, behind the scenes photos, and other techniques that show that although you are a competent and professional Realtor, you’re human too. This is what people will connect with.

It shows that you’re an expert.

As you develop your personal brand, you get to decide how you present yourself within the industry. Your personal brand will help you make a name for yourself in the industry, and be the one people think of when buying or selling real estate. If you’ve already discovered your niche, such as helping first time home buyers or selling luxury property, your personal brand can help establish you as an expert in these areas. If your brand includes a slogan like “The Realtor on the Water,” you’ll be the first thing people think of when looking for waterfront property. This is what a personal brand is designed to do. It is designed to give buyers and sellers specific phrases and images that make them think of you.

It shows you care about the details.

Your personal brand includes your website, your marketing materials, and your social media presence. It is everything that is meant to market yourself and your services, which is why consistency is critical. A professional website and a well throughout branding strategy shows that you care about first impressions, you care about the details, and you’re willing to invest in your business. Even your office is part of your brand image. If clients come into your space, how will they feel? Will they feel like you take pride in your workspace? If you want buyers and sellers to see you as a professional with an eye for detail, and someone who takes their image seriously, even your office should reflect this.

It makes people remember you.

A Realtor can make the difference between a quick and profitable sale and a long, drawn-out, expensive experience. Buyers and sellers know this, which is why they put so much thought into who they choose to represent them during this time. They want to pick someone who has the experience, who knows the area, and who shares their values. But how do they know who to choose? Your personal brand is what helps them decide.

When you create an authentic and creative personal brand, you help buyers and sellers choose you. You make a way to stand out against all of the options and help them decide with confidence. Your success in the industry relies on people knowing about you, trusting you, working with you, and referring you. Your brand helps you stay present in the minds of buyers and sellers in the community.

It generates leads and broadens your online presence.

Your personal brand gives you high-quality and consistent material to share with others. It gives you content to share on your social media platforms and generates leads by starting conversations. If your personal brand gets people talking, you’re doing it right. It is important to find the balance between being persistent in your marketing and being pushy. You don’t want to annoy or overwhelm your audience, but you also don’t want them to forget about you. Realtors need a personal brand because it gets their name out there and works to connect them with high-quality leads.

Create Your Personal Brand With RealtyBloc.

Your personal brand doesn’t happen overnight. It is a result of small, intentional steps to showcase your strengths as a Realtor and make a space for yourself in the industry. Whether you’re looking for a professionally designed website (all Realtors must have one) or other aspects of your brand, RealtyBloc can help.

Our expert team of real estate marketers can help you make a name for yourself and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Call us today!

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