Six Reasons Email Marketing Must Be A Part Of Every Agent’s Personal Branding Strategy

A successful real estate agent will use both traditional and non-traditional marketing techniques to generate leads and make a name for themselves in the industry. A successful marketing strategy will involve signage, networking events, business cards, open houses, and a strategic email marketing campaign.

There is so much a real estate agent can do with email marketing these days, and if you’re not using it to its full potential, you could be missing out on qualified leads.

Here are six reasons why email marketing must be a part of your personal branding strategy:

Introduce Listings To Interested Buyers

When you use email marketing to connect with your audience, you send potential listings and properties that may interest them right to their inbox. While they may not take action right away, having this email sitting in their inbox is one way to keep your name relevant in their mind. Anyone who is receiving your email marketing content has already expressed interest in buying or selling property, so sending current listings straight to their inbox may be just what they need to make the next move.

Showcase Your Strengths

Email marketing gives you a chance to show off your expertise in the industry. Newsletters and ebooks can be an excellent resource for motivated buyers and sellers. People who hire real estate agents are paying for their expertise and knowledge about the industry. When you send out free tidbits of this information and expert advice about the real estate process, people feel like they are getting something for free. If you’re able to answer some of the most commonly asked questions in the industry, you begin to establish yourself as an expert.

An intentional and strategic email marketing campaign will help you show your audience what you can do instead of just telling them. You can use email marketing to congratulate new homeowners, which shows your audience that you get the job done and that buyers like working with you.  Any chance you have to show instead of tell will help your audience get a more accurate picture of your professionalism and expertise.

Interest Tracking

Another way that email marketing helps real estate agents generate leads is by providing them with a way to track the interest of your audience. By using inbound links in your emails, you can track what people are clicking on and what they are not. If you see that your audience is clicking on links related to first-time home buying, you know that this is an area that interests your audience. It also allows you to modify the content that you’re sending out based on this info. 

Introduce Yourself To New Buyers

Email marketing is a great way to connect with new buyers in the area. Many new buyers who are looking to connect with a real estate professional will sign up for newsletters to get to know an agent and learn more about what they have to offer. Most new buyers will just read over your emails without taking action for a while, but if you can consistently send out relevant information about the market, including listings in your area, you build their trust. This increases the chance that they’ll choose you when they finally decide to take the first step to buy a home.

Increase Your Online Presence

As a Realtor, a positive and accurate online presence is crucial in an effective personal branding strategy. Sending out information-packed, easy-to-read,  relevant newsletters and emails allow you to share your social media platforms with your audience and gain followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The more communication avenues you provide between you and your audience, the better. Email marketing allows you to create helpful and professional newsletters and email marketing content that people will want to forward to their friends and share on their own social media pages. This results in more exposure for you.

Email Marketing Ties Your Personal Brand Together

Your personal brand is what makes people think of you when they think of buying and selling real estate. As a Realtor, a professionally-designed website is a critical component in your personal branding strategy. Using specific colors, themes, logos, and even a slogan will help people remember your name when they think about real estate. Email marketing gives you another opportunity to use the same colors, themes, logos, and slogans to remind people about your brand, about you, and about what you have to offer.

Complete Your Personal Branding Strategy With RealtyBloc

Almost everybody carries their email around with them in their pocket. A consistent email marketing campaign can help you consistently connect with your audience and help establish your brand and your position in the industry.

AIf you’re ready to take the first step towards a successful email marketing campaign, or want to learn more about how to establish your personal brand in a competitive industry, contact RealtyBloc today! 

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